Yesterday marked the 5th Anniversary of the Aaron Boone walk off home run, as mentioned in my previous post, but yesterday, the grass that the New York Yankees will be playing on for next year and many years to come was put down. The stadium is taking great shapes as it seems from the pictures, all the seats have been installed besides the championship and box seats. They are still probably chopping down the trees for the teak arm rest, hence the delay.
Any who, for anybody who is still not ready to let the current stadium go, just look at the picture posted above and tell me that it wont be beautiful. The split upper deck will make it so much easier for the guy carrying 2 beers and 2 hot dogs. He wont have to pass through the long lines in the upper deck concession stand or wont have to walk on the upper deck isle, which should not fit more than 2 people. If anyone in the stands caught myself for the past couple years, anytime I had to walk in that isle, I would scream "I cant wait till the new stadium". Its true, and you know it.
The only thing I will miss about the Old Yankee Stadium is the memories. All the memories and stories and events that have taken place there, they will be missed, but not forgotten. This new stadium will be amazing. Dont worry though, cause when you first enter next season or anytime after that, you'll realize how lucky were are that we arent getting a renovation of the current stadium. You can only put so many band aids on the same wound before it never heals. 2009 will be the start of something great and something grand.
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